The New Year is the perfect time to make commitments to your health, make new goals for yourself, and even the perfect time to put HVAC unit maintenance on your list of New Year's resolutions. So take some time this holiday season to make sure that your HVAC system is running smoothly, so you won't be worried about needing emergency AC services over the rest of winter. Our AC company put together this handy HVAC maintenance checklist so you can breathe easy when it comes to emergency HVAC repairs.

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HVAC Maintenance Checklist For The New Year

Calibrate Your Thermostat

The new year is the perfect time to set up your thermostat's programming so that it turns on and off at certain times and temperatures. If your thermostat isn't hardwired into power, the new year is also a good time to check the status of your thermostat's batteries, as a thermostat with dead batteries won't function and will stop the HVAC system from working. We also recommend not covering your thermostat with decorations as they can impede your system from functioning properly, leading to high energy bills.

Clean Ducts & Filters

Depending on the number of people and pets in your home, we recommend cleaning or replacing your home's air filters once every couple of months. The new year can be a good time to replace the filter if you haven't changed it in a while. The New Year can also be a good time to have your home's ductwork cleaned, which we recommend doing once a year to help improve your home's indoor air quality.

Declutter Your Home

Despite making your home look messy, a cluttered home can also make your HVAC system work harder than it needs to. The clutter around your house can block the registers to your home's ventilation system, which can make it harder for air to flow through the system. We recommend adding sorting through each room and donating and discarding anything you don't need or use to your HVAC New Year's resolution list.

Clean the Outside Unit

As the weather changes and the leaves begin to fall, the outdoor unit can become cluttered, reducing the unit's efficiency. Therefore, we recommend adding yard maintenance to your list of New Year's resolutions. Be sure to clear away any debris that has gathered around your unit, along with any greenery that has taken root within two feet of the outdoor unit. Otherwise, the unit might not be able to function properly.

Use Ceiling Fans To Save Energy

Ceiling fans can help circulate air and keep you cool during the summer months, but the blades can also switch directions to keep you warmer during the winter. If you set the blades to turn counterclockwise, the ceiling fan can bring warm air downwards and distribute the warm air throughout the room. Of course, this can always be changed back for the summer!

Annual Maintenance

Routine HVAC maintenance is available to help catch potential problems, so they don't turn into larger, more expensive problems. Annual maintenance can also be beneficial for your furnace and heaters, as they won't be used much throughout the rest of the year. In addition, scheduling annual maintenance around New Year can help ensure that your AC is still in tip-top condition before it's needed for the warmer, summer months.